The Family Milovanovic and UACS Foundation awarded our student Iskra Dochovska, from the SCSIT with the “Zlat Milovanovic Award”

What a remarkable night in Nacional Gallery Of Macedonia – Čifte Amam! Yesterday evening, we were part of the commemoration of Prof. Zlat Milovanovic, former UACS Vice-Rector for International Relations and University Development, where a great number of colleagues, students, friends and family gathered to remember his extraordinary work and personality.
In memory of Professor Zlat, the Milovanovic family and the UACS Foundation have partnered to create a grant opportunity for students of University American College Skopje to travel, study, or have other educational international experience abroad. Led by this focused mission for better education, the Family Milovanovic and UACS Foundation awarded our student Iskra Dochovska, from the School of Computer Science and Information Technology with the “Zlat Milovanovic Award”.
Iskra will have the opportunity to expand her knowledge through an experience abroad that combines academic growth and discovering other countries and cultures.

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