
UACS Debate on Digital Technology Trends, Mental Health, and Well-being

We are pleased to share the successful conclusion of the UACS Debate held at the UACS A1 Amphitheatre, delving into the critical discourse on Digital Technology Trends, Mental Health, and Well-being.

The event featured esteemed speakers: Associate Professor Dimitrinka Jordanova Peshevska, Head of the Department of Psychology, from the School of Political Science at UACS, Associate Professor and Vice Dean for Education Irena Stojmenovska from the School of Computer Science and Technology at UACS, Full Professor Dragana Batic at the University St Kliment Ohridski, Faculty of Security, Skopje, and Aleksandra Simova Klincarova, UACS Head of Community Relations.

Each contributed their expertise to the discussion, their insightful contributions sparked intellectual discourse among the students and fostered a deeper understanding of the complex relationship between technology and mental health.

We extend our gratitude to our speakers and their valuable insight into the world of mental health, as we hope to build and expand on this field even further in the future.

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