UACS hosted the first kick-off meeting for the Erasmus+ project “Leaders of the Green Economy”

UACS hosted the first kick-off meeting for the Erasmus+ project “Leaders of the Green Economy”

In the past two days, School of Business Economics and Management at University American College Skopje, hosted the kick-off meeting for the Erasmus+ project- Leaders of the Green Economy. The project team discussed and developed  further the  project activities. The UACS team was joined by the partner universities, working together with Professor Marina Letonja as…

Final Exam SCHEDULE (Fall 2022)

Final Exam SCHEDULE (Fall 2022)

Dear students, You may find the final exam schedules for your school bellow: Распоред за Факултет за деловна економија и организациони науки за есенски семестар 2022 Schedule for the School of Business Economics and Management for the Fall Semester 2022 Распоред за Факултет за архитектура и дизајн за есенски семестар 2022 Schedule for the School of Political Science for the Fall…

SBEM INTERNATIONAL WEEK 4.0 – “Sustainable development: Linking local perspectives with global challenges”

SBEM INTERNATIONAL WEEK 4.0 – “Sustainable development: Linking local perspectives with global challenges”

UACS School of Business Economics and Management has the pleasure to announce that it will be hosting its traditional International Week. We will be inviting renowned guest lecturers from around the world to our campus for a week full of international and intercultural (teaching) events and a varied framework program. The goal of this week…

UACS School of Business Economics and Management – video projects

UACS School of Business Economics and Management – video projects

Recognizing students’ achievements is always important, because it lets them know that we appreciate their efforts and we are proud of their efforts and achievements. This time, we would like to share one of our 1st year students’ video projects, prepared as part of the “Introduction to Management” course at the UACS School of Business Economics…

Guest Speaker at UACS – Mr. Dejan Kalinikov, Managing Director of SEAF Macedonia

Guest Speaker at UACS – Mr. Dejan Kalinikov, Managing Director of SEAF Macedonia

Today, December 22, 2022, UACS and its students had a great pleasure to host Mr. Dejan Kalinikov.  Mr. Kalinikov is Managing Director of SEAF Macedonia and Managing Director of SPMG Capital, a Macedonian fund management company managing two private equity funds. UACS Business Law students had the opportunity to hear first hand information about fund management, venture…

O. Vangelov’s paper in Political Science Quarterly

O. Vangelov’s paper in Political Science Quarterly

UACS assistant professor Ognen Vangelov co-authored the article ‘Hungary’s Slide toward Autocracy: Domestic and External Impediments to Locking In Democratic Reforms’, which came out in Political Science Quarterly, the oldest and most widely read political science journal in the United States. DAVID G. HAGLUND is a professor of political studies at Queen’s University in Canada, where…

УАКС студентите во посета на НЛБ Банка

УАКС студентите во посета на НЛБ Банка

Студентите од Факултетот за деловна економија и организациони науки при Универзитетот Американ Колеџ Скопје, остварија тематска посета на експозитура на НЛБ банка во East gate Mall која е од модерен и футуристички тип Студентите од Факултетот за деловна економија и организациони науки, насока Финансии и банкарство во рамки на предметот Основи на банкарството на ден…

Студентите на УАКС во посета на компанијата Iute Credit Macedonia

Студентите на УАКС во посета на компанијата Iute Credit Macedonia

Студентите на УАКС остварија посета на компанијата Iute Credit Macedonia, во рамките на предметот „Основи на проектно работење и управување со операции“ и имаа одлична можност да добијат сознанија во врска со операциите и активностите кои се изведуваат во компанијата, на дневна основа. Дополнително, од страна на Комерцијалниот директор беа споделени искуствата од реализацијата на…