Daniela Nelepa, MSc, President of the Macedonian Solid Waste Association (MASWA), was a guest lecturer at UACS

Daniela Nelepa, MSc, President of the Macedonian Solid Waste Association (MASWA), was a guest lecturer at UACS, as part of the course “Ecology and Sustainable Growth”, with lecturer Andrej Gjokikj on March 26.

As a prominent regional and international expert in the field of solid waste management, including entrepreneurial, technical and institutional know-how, Mrs. Nelepa held a motivational lecture on her experiences in ground up development of MASWA and the role of the Association in our country’s solid waste management industry.

The presentation covered in detail the concept of circular economy (process of transformation from linear to circular economic systems), the concept of integrated solid waste management and best practices complemented by her professional experience and innovative new projects in the solid waste management industry.

The lecture raised several important topics on the future of waste management and sustainability, such as:

  • How to improve the quality of our waste management systems?
  • What environmental and waste management standards we need to achieve in order to implement the concept of sustainable growth in our country?
  • Is there a difference between recycling and circular economy?
  • Is circular economy attainable in the long run, and how?
  • Education of younger generations as the crucial component in facilitating circular economy
  • How to stimulate innovation and business growth in the waste management sector?

Daniela shared practical examples from her industry experience and insight on contemporary innovations in waste management which inspired the students to ask interesting questions on circular economy, innovative recycling models and environmental protection. The lecture opened dynamic discussions for the way ahead in implementing the vision of circular economy and sustainable growth – socio-economic and environmental progress.

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