English Language Students’ Visit to the American High School Skopje

On 9 April 2019, the UACS School of Foreign Languages students taking the course ELT Methods, together with their course instructor, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Marjana Vaneva, visited the premises of the American High School Skopje in order to observe classes within their course.
They visited two teaching classes: one was a Georgaphy class (taught in English) and the other was an English language class, observed the teaching process in a real classroom atmosphere, took notes, and for each observed class filled in the observation forms needed as their project work for the course they are attending. After the visit, they had a chance to talk with the teacher about the students, the teaching methods and the challenges they have with that particular class of students.
The visit should contribute to the students’ better preparation for their practical ELT Methods exam, which is their actual teaching on a previously assigned topic, and the experience seen in these classes ought to shape them as teachers and make them more reflective in their work. The class observation will continue in a primary school and a private language school, where different ages and levels will be visited.

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