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UACS Alumni Invented a Smart Fuel Cap
We are proud to announce that the former President of UACS Alumni Association and a founder of the company Fueloyal Inc., Mr. Igor Hristov, along with his business partner, Mr. Jurica Magochi have invented a Smart Fuel Cap. The Smart Fuel Cap will make sure that the purchased diesel really entered the fuel tank and…
VOX Organization – Now available for the business world
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Професор д-р Дита Старова Ќерими е добитник на наградата “13 Ноември”
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Mr. Olivier Kolevski as an international visiting professor at the UACS MBA program
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Dean of UACS School of Foreign Languages, Assoc. Prof Marjana Vaneva, PhD presents at the University ‘Goce Delcev’ Stip
On 28 April 2017, Assoc. Prof. Marjana Vaneva, PhD, Dean of the UACS School of Foreign Languages, presented her latest research findings to the undergraduate, postgraduate, doctoral students and staff at the Faculty of Philology, University ‘Goce Delcev’ (UGD) in Stip. Having been invited by the UGD Faculty’s Dean, Assoc. Prof. Vaneva, PhD, talked about…
Branka Mincheva Koceska, PhD as guest lecturer at the Administrative Law and Public Administration course
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