UACS nomination call for Erasmus+ Mobility (Fall 2022 semester)
Dear students,
Dear students,
Dr. Marina Andeva and Dr. Ivan Dodovski, from the School of Political Science, have participated at the Third International Scientific Conference “SOCIAL CHANGE IN THE GLOBAL WORLD” organized by the Goce Delcev University in Shtip, Faculty of Law, Center for Legal and Political Research in Shtip, Macedonia, from 1 to 2 September 2016. Dr. Marina…
Dear all, Please be informed that from 21 August 2017, the summer working hours at University American College Skopje will be from Monday to Friday, from 08:00 h until 16:30 h. The University premises will be open on Saturdays in the aforementioned period. Regards, University American College Skopje
The Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore from Milano, is the largest private university in Europe. UACS has a student exchange agreement signed with this University and today they had an informative session on the study abroad options for our students. We hope to have many students use this unique opportunity.
On the 28th of January 2024, Associate Professor Dimitrinka Jordanova Peshevska, Ph. delivered a keynote lecture on “Anxiety, Stress, and Coping Mechanisms”, at the Geomedi University in Tbilisi, Georgia, where the Medical Faculty of the University of Geomedi in Tbilisi, Georgia, in collaboration with the Student Academic Society, had organized a Conference for the medical…
Студентите од УАКС беа дел од отворањето на редизајнираниот „Еurope House“ на покана на 🇪🇺Амбасадор Самуел Жбогар, кој пред студентските организации, во еден неформален амбиент ги презентираше можностите со кои располага овој простор. Новиот центар нуди современи и привлечни содржини за младите🖥🎥 и потенцијал и можности за размена на искуства и вмрежување помеѓу студентите во иднина. Честитки 👏
Architectural heritage in Skopje in the period from 1945 to 1991 is the theme behind the exhibition „Skopje – Architecture in the Macedonian context“, that was opened last night in the Viennese gallery “Ringturm”. The authors of the exhibition are Vladimir Deskov (professor at UACS), Ana Ivanovska Deskova and Jovan Invanovski. The Austro – Macedonian…