Sixth reading competition at UACS on the occasion of Virginia Woolf’s 135th birthday


On 19th April (Wednesday) 2017, UACS School of Foreign Languages held the Sixth Annual Reading Competition for High School Students in honor of Virginia Woolf’s 135th birthday. Students read and performed literary texts by Virginia Woolf.

80 students from 18 high schools from Macedonia took part in the competition.

UACS would like to congratulate: the winners of the Sixth Annual Reading Competition Edvin Brams, Kristijan Atanasov, Moni Mihajlovski and Nikola Kjamilov from “Orce Nikolov” High school from Skopje and their teacher/mentor Aleksandra Koshchicovska; the second place: Ivana Cvetanova from “Jane Sandanski” High School from Strumica and her teacher/mentor Verica Jankova; the third place: Nenad Stojchevski, Leon Tunev, David Stojanovikj and Aleksandar Shalevikj from “Orce Nikolov” High school from Skopje and their teacher/mentor Aleksandra Koshchicovska.

UACS would like to thank all the students who participated in the competition as well as their teachers/mentors for their effort and encouragement.



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