UACS faculty, Prof. Zoran Shapurikj, PhD and Asst. Prof. Filip Ivanovski, PhD published a research paper with a Global Impact Factor

UACS professors, Prof. Zoran Shapurikj, PhD and Asst. Prof. Fillip Ivanovski, PhD along with the co-author D. Dimitrovski have published scientific research paper titled: “Functionality of Packaging Waste Management System in FYR Macedonia”.

The paper is published in the international scientific journal, The Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, Vol. 17, No. 3 (2016), ). The journal is indexed in”’ web of science” with impact factor 0.839 Journal Citation Index Reports/Science Edition SciSearch.

The research paper analyzes the establishment and development of the system of waste packaging in Macedonia and it has also provides a comparison with the systems established in the European Union member countries.

The paper can be accessed in the following link.

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