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Guest lecturer from the University of Andorra
During yesterday’s Taxation class, the students and prof. Igor Srbinoski welcomed Mr. Casanovas Bargalló, a guest lecturer from the University of Andorra. The lecturer first introduced the students to Andorra, its political system, economy and culture. Furthermore, Mr. Toni Casanovas Bargalló explained Andorra’s tax system and its most vital taxation themes. The students also reviewed…
UACS Student Ombudsman – Jana Petrovska
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Prof. Dr. Marjan Petreski: Step to a Higher Level – With Doctoral Studies to an Academic Career
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Зимски колективен одмор на УАКС и Американската Гимназија
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Register for event organized by UACS School of Foreign Language and ELTAM (May 3rd)
On Wednesday, May 3rd, the University American College Skopje has the honor to announce a free webinar, spearheaded by Prof. Ilina Kachinske, Ph.D., who will hold a lecture on the topic of “Teaching English to young learners: how theory can inform pedagogical choices”. This event is jointly organized by the UACS School of Foreign Languages…
Shakespeare Reading Competition
On May 12, 2016, UACS School of Foreign Languages organizes the traditional reading competition entitled: “Celebrating Shakespeare’s life on the occasion of 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s death”. During the competition, the third- and fourth-year high school students will have the possibility to read, analyze, perform and recite Shakespearean monologues and sonnets in English language. For more information…