UACS SPS faculty, prof. Zoran Shapurikj, PhD published a research paper in the Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology (JEPE)

UACS SPS faculty, prof. Zoran Shapurikj, PhD continues publishing scientific research papers in reputable international scientific journals indexed in the Web of Science scientific base, as well as other impact factor bases.

Prof. Shapurikj, PhD, along with the co-authors D. Dimitrovski, M. Dimitrovski, and F. Ivanovski, published the research paper titled “Medical Waste Incineration in Skopje, Regulation and Standards” in the International scientific journal “The Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology” – Vol. 17 No. 2 (2016). The Journal is indexed in the Science Citation Index (SciSearch ®) – Web of Science. It has a very high Web of Science impact factor, 0.838, and it is also indexed in the Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, Thomson Scientific.

The paper researches the implementation of the EU legislation and standards in the area of waste incineration in City of Skopje and it also provides some recommendations regarding future improvement in this area.

In order to download the full paper, please click on the following link: JEPE Journal

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