“Нашиот Универзитет е пример за организација без родови предрасуди” – Вон. проф. д-р Венера Крлиу – Ханџиски
Целото интервју во новиот број на Kapital
Целото интервју во новиот број на Kapital
Ana Foteva, PhD, a lector in German language at the UACS School of Foreign Languages, published a scholarly article on the contemporary Austrian author Peter Handke in the renowned, double-blind peer reviewed Canadian journal “Seminar: A Journal of Germanic Studies”, pp. 43-67 (http://www.utpjournals.press/toc/seminar/53/1). The article “Handke’s Die Fahrt im Einbaum: Utopia as a Counter-Historical Performance” explores…
University American College Skopje and Kristu Jayanti College Autonomous have taken their first step in a future collaboration by signing a Memorandum of Understanding. One of the most significant benefits of this collaboration is that it will enable Macedonian students to explore India, currently the 5th largest economy in the world, and the “Silicon Valley of India,”…
During yesterday’s Taxation class, the students and prof. Igor Srbinoski welcomed Mr. Casanovas Bargalló, a guest lecturer from the University of Andorra. The lecturer first introduced the students to Andorra, its political system, economy and culture. Furthermore, Mr. Toni Casanovas Bargalló explained Andorra’s tax system and its most vital taxation themes. The students also reviewed…
Dear all, UACS would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! May you all enjoy your holidays, and may your days be filled with joy and happiness in the year to come! The University will be closed during the period of 27.12.2018 till 08.01.2018. All activities concerning the academic staff…
Студентите од Факултетот за Деловна економија и организациони науки при УАКС во рамките на предметот Организациско однесување, денеска се сретнаа со Претседателот на Здружението на граѓани Љубезност г-дин Тони Станковски, УАКС Алумни. Студентите одблиску се запознаа со активностите и проектите на самото здружение и беа дискутирани нивните можни вклучувања и соработката која е предвидена во…
On 21 October 2016, UACS students of Political Science and Psychology have visited the Center for Drug Dependence Treatment in Kisela Voda, Psychiatric Hospital Skopje, led by Assistant Professor Dr. LIljana Kiteva-Ignjatova, MD, PhD and as a part of their activities for the course in Emotions and Motivation held by Professor of Practice, MSc Dimitrinka…