SFL faculty member, Ana Foteva, PhD published an article in the Canadian journal “Seminar: A Journal of Germanic Studies”

Ana Foteva, PhD, a lector in German language at the UACS School of Foreign Languages, published a scholarly article on the contemporary Austrian author Peter Handke in the renowned, double-blind peer reviewed Canadian journal “Seminar: A Journal of Germanic Studies”, pp. 43-67 (http://www.utpjournals.press/toc/seminar/53/1).


The article “Handke’s Die Fahrt im Einbaum: Utopia as a Counter-Historical Performance” explores the juncture of historical materialism in Walter Benjamin’s sense and the post-modern rendition of the baroque metaphor of theatrum mundi and their employment in overcoming historical determinism and healing war traumas.


This article is part of a larger project, in which Dr. Foteva explores the historical development of cultural boundaries within Europe since the Early Modern Age and the construction of cultural identities in the Balkans as part of the imperial legacies.

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