Final Exam SCHEDULE (Fall 2020 ONLINE)

Final Exam SCHEDULE (Fall 2020 ONLINE)

Dear students, You may find the final exam schedules for your school bellow: Распоред за Факултет за деловна економија и организациони науки за есенски семестар 2020 Schedule for the School of Business Economics and Management for the Fall Semester 2020 Распоред за Факултет за архитектура и дизајн за есенски семестар 2020 Schedule for the School of Political Science for the Fall Semester 2020 Schedule for the School…

Congrats to our research team, authors of two chapters in the book “Designing and Implementing HR Management Systems in Family Businesses”

Congrats to our research team, authors of two chapters in the book “Designing and Implementing HR Management Systems in Family Businesses”

Today, we say congrats to our research team, whose work got published internationally! We are proud of our professors Ana Tomovska Misoska, Miodraga Stefanovska, Ivona Mileva and of course, Marjan Bojadjiev, who are authors of two chapters in the book “Designing and Implementing HR Management Systems in Family Businesses”. This is a capital work in…

Guest lecture on the topic “Nextsense successful story: Contact Tracing product innovation, design,  development, marketing and international recognition”

Guest lecture on the topic “Nextsense successful story: Contact Tracing product innovation, design, development, marketing and international recognition”

On 10.12.2020, the guest lecturers Mr. Vasko Kronevski, the Chief Executive Officer of Nextsense and Mr. Ljupco Jovanovski, the Leader of the Innovative Project Solution have shared the Nextsense successful story:  “Contact Tracing product innovation, design, development, marketing and international recognition” with the students of the course Operations and Project Management (SBEM), prof. Marija Stanojeska,…

Present your UACS ID cards and receive a discount at UACS alumni students’ businesses

Present your UACS ID cards and receive a discount at UACS alumni students’ businesses

Dear UACS students, Let’s help each other and make our community grow! Based on a promotion project which was first introduced by the UACS marketing team for promoting UACS alumni students’ businesses, the UACS Student Assembly would now like to invite all UACS students to be a part of this great idea. Please present us your…

Guest lecture on the electoral districts in Macedonia

Guest lecture on the electoral districts in Macedonia

On Thursday 10 December 2020, Ms. Ljupka Guguchevska, an election specialist working at the State Election Commission in N. Macedonia, will deliver a guest lecture on the peculiarities of election districts, including their size and possible changes, for UACS third year students of political science who take the course in Electoral Systems with Dr. Ivan…

Stress Management Workshop for all UACS students

Stress Management Workshop for all UACS students

Dear UACS students, Before Final – Exam Week,  Join Us and learn stress management techniques to become stress-free or to support someone with stress. 11 December 2020, 11:00 am at Webex link: The Workshop is open to all UACS students. Regards, UACS Academic Advising Center

Online guest lecture delivered by Prof. Mariko Eguchi from the University of Shimane, Japan

Online guest lecture delivered by Prof. Mariko Eguchi from the University of Shimane, Japan

On 30 November, UACS students from the School of Foreign Languages attended an online guest lecture delivered by Prof. Mariko Eguchi from the University of Shimane, Japan. The students had the oportunity to learn about the Japanese traditional performing art Kagura which is believed to be the oldest form of entertainment in Japan. Students were…

Светскиот првак во маратонско пливање – Томи Стефановски, гостин предавач на УАКС

Светскиот првак во маратонско пливање – Томи Стефановски, гостин предавач на УАКС

Почитувани студенти, професори и сите заинтересирани! Во време на предизвици за сеопштото здравје а особено за менталното, спортот и здравиот начин на живот се најдобрите бедеми во одбрана на истото. Искуствата на еден врвен спортист се незаменливо четиво за тоа како да се бориме со сите предизвици на современиот живот! На ден 03.12.2020 година (Четврток)…