Great DAY! Great INSPIRATION!  EXCELLENT STUDENTS’ PROJECTS on How COVID-19 crises impacted ONE firm performance?

Great DAY! Great INSPIRATION! EXCELLENT STUDENTS’ PROJECTS on How COVID-19 crises impacted ONE firm performance?

UACS Business School students from the first year, studying Introduction to Microeconomics, had presentations on their chosen firms, among which multinationals as Tesla, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, Nike, Under Armor, Coca-Cola, Cinema world, Zoom, Uber, McDonald’s, Telecom, Lukoil, EVN, Hilton, IKEA, Walmart, NBA, Turkish Airlines, Qatar Airlines, Lufthansa, Croda, and big and SMS firms from Macedonia…

Dr. Biljana Kotevska, expert on non-discrimination and equality – a guest lecturer at UACS

Dr. Biljana Kotevska, expert on non-discrimination and equality – a guest lecturer at UACS

Dr Biljana Kotevska, а prominent expert on non-discrimination and equality was a guest lecturer at UACS, as part of the course International Human Rights, with (prof) lecturer Gorica Atanasova-Gjorevska on November 25. The lecture was focused on the case study of North Macedonia with regard to the national portfolio of non-discrimination. Dr. Kotevska provided a…

Guest lecture on Sustainability, Social Marketing and PR experiences, held by Andrej Gjokikj, CEO at Sunilens

Guest lecture on Sustainability, Social Marketing and PR experiences, held by Andrej Gjokikj, CEO at Sunilens

In the Marketing Communications and Media class taught by Asst. Professor Nadica Jovanovska Boshkovska, Ph.D, students had the opportunity to participate in an online guest lecture on Sustainability, Social Marketing and PR experiences, held by Andrej Gjokikj, MSc, CMC, Head of Waste Management and Business Development at Sunilens. Let’s implement #Sustainability and #Circulareconomy in our…

Денови на финансиска писменост – “Импактот од Ковид кризата и потребата од итна реакција за економско опоравување“

Денови на финансиска писменост – “Импактот од Ковид кризата и потребата од итна реакција за економско опоравување“

Драги студенти, Министерството за финансии во рамки на Координативното тело на регулаторните институции за финансиска едукација во Македонија, заедно со Народна банка на Република Македонија, Агенцијата за супервизија на осигурувањето, Комисијата за хартии од вредност и Агенцијата за супервизија на капитално финансирано пензиско осигурување, организира „Денови на финансиска писменост” – јавен настан кој има за…

UACS collaboration with University Regiomontana in Monterrey, Mexico

UACS collaboration with University Regiomontana in Monterrey, Mexico

UACS students from the School of Foreign Languages and Business Economics and Management presented their joint collaborative projects with their fellow students from University Regiomontana in Monterrey, Mexico. Within the Global Understanding course, they have been developing their intercultural communication skills for the past few weeks and have discussed various topics and issues. The discussions…

Guest lecture on Irregular Migration and the Media

Guest lecture on Irregular Migration and the Media

On Friday 13 November 2020, Dr. Minke Hajer, postdoctoral researcher at the Graduate School in Social and Political Sciences at the University of Milan, will deliver a guest lecture  titled “The Mediated Border: Irregular Migrants and the Media” for UACS second year students of political science who take the course in Media & Politics with Dr. Ivo…

UACS Alumni Newsletter – Jubilee Edition

UACS Alumni Newsletter – Jubilee Edition

Dear UACS Alumni, We are happy to continue with the quarterly UACS Alumni newsletters. This time, we invite you to read the October – December 2020 Jubilee Edition, dedicated to our latest alumni students news and updates, as well as the UACS achievements, celebrations and promotions. Please contact us for any idea, project or collaboration…